Baratza Encore Burr Grinder - Black



The Encore offers practicality in getting your morning, afternoon or evening coffee made. Easy to find the perfect grind setting for any brew method, or to change your morning coffee game for something completely different at the drop of the hat, it’s sure to fit every mood.

Baratza started off with a simple mission in 1999. They wanted to provide high-quality grinders to ensure the coffee is being freshly ground for optimal performance and enjoyment. Over 20 years since the creation of their first grinder, they are known for their innovations to the grinder for easy-to-replicate grinding and dosing.

The Encore is an easy-to-use multipurpose grinder. With its collar adjuster it’s simple to change the grind size for many different brew methods. While not an imposing grinder, the Encore comes in two colours to seamlessly fit any coffee setup. Accent kits further provide the ability to customize the grinder.

In keeping true to Baratza’s mission, the Encore is incredibly easy to repair and maintain with accessible, affordable parts and a comprehensive troubleshooting guide.

Our Assessment

Ease of use - moderate.
Size - small.
Best used for - Midrange grind methods
Serviceability - excellent.

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